Fix QuickBooks Has Stopped Working or Not Responding Error

QuickBooks users might often come across an error while opening the QuickBooks software. The screen might freeze or not respond to any command. Or the error message stating as “QuickBooks has stopped working or not responding” might appear on the screen.

Facing any such error might be very much annoying for the QuickBooks users, considering which, we have come up with this post, where we will be talking about the troubleshooting steps to QuickBooks has stopped working error. For more details, call our support team using our number.

What leads to QuickBooks has stopped working error?

The user can end up in this type of error as a result of the following factors:

  • Some program files are damaged
  • Or there is any conflict in any of the program
  • Windows OS might be damaged
  • Or damaged program files and QuickBooks desktop installation
  • Also, if the company name is longer than the actual requirement

Steps to Solutions for when QuickBooks has stopped working

This issue can be related to the installation, as a result of which it can be resolved using the QuickBooks install diagnostic tool. The steps involved in this process are as follows:

  • The very first step is to download QuickBooks install diagnostic tool
  • And then, save the file to the system where QuickBooks is installed
  • After that, close all applications running on the system
  • And run the QuickBooks install diagnostic tool

  • The next step is to restart the system after running the tool and ensure that the windows components are updated


In case the error persists, the user can reboot the system and temporarily disable the antivirus software. This would resolve the issue up to certain extent.

Have you tried any of these strategies for fixing the QuickBooks has stopped working or not responding error? And still unable to deal with the issue? Well, we are here to help you out. Our QuickBooks enterprise customer support team have a couple more options for you to help fixing the error without falling out. Get on the phone with us at 1-800-761-1787, and we would be happy to help you.


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